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Psychedelic Assisted Therapy Needs Business Leaders

We are the first conference exploring the foundational business elements needed to ensure Psychedelic Assisted Therapy (PAT) is an accessible and affordable medium for mental healthcare delivery.

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The Entrepreneurship program at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University is thrilled to present the second annual Business of Psychedelic Therapies conference on Saturday, May 18th in downtown Chicago.

This year’s theme – Psychedelic Spring: Preparing for Full Bloom – reflects the burgeoning nature of the psychedelic assisted therapy (PAT) space. Industry experts, thought leaders, and regulatory officials will cover both the benefits and challenges of this new form of care delivery, from investment opportunities and the pharmacological basis for why this treatment works to challenges the industry faces with respect to access, adoption, and commercialization.

Join us for a stimulating day of discussion about how many believe PAT can fundamentally alter the mental healthcare paradigm and improve care delivery models for neurodegenerative diseases traditional healthcare has struggled to address for decades.

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