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Doors Open 9:00 AM

9:30 AM - 10:20 AM

Keynote Address

Presenter | Imran Khan (Executive Director, UC Berkeley Center for the Science of Psychedelics)

10:25 AM – 11:15 AM

Commercialization and Care Delivery Operations

Presenters | Sherry Rais (CEO, Enthea), Kim Roddy (COO, Sunstone Therapies), Britt Rollins (CEO, National Psychedelics Association), Rachel Mahoney (VP, Stella)

Moderator | Professor David Schonthal

11:20 AM – 11:40 AM

Hear My Story

Presenter | Michael Cotton

11:45 AM – 12:35 PM

Access & Equity Panel

Presenters | Hanifa Washington (Psychedelic Health Equity Initiative), Dan Grossman (Head of Field Building, PSFC), Dr. Lynn Marie Morski (President, Psychedelic Medicine Association), IL State Senator Rachel Ventura

Moderator | Michael Cotton

Lunch Break 12:35 PM – 1:35 PM

1:40 PM – 2:00 PM

Hear My Story -

Veteran Perspective

Presenter | Justin LaPree (Founder & President of The Illuminating Co.)

2:05 PM – 2:55 PM

Legislation & Veteran Care

Presenters | Dr. Manish Agrawal (CEO, Sunstone Therapies), Dr. Ilse Wiechers (Deputy Executive Director, VA), Lt Gen Martin Steele (CEO, Reason for Hope), Brett Waters (Executive Director, Reason for Hope)

Moderator | David Esselman (BrainFutures)

3:00 PM – 3:50 PM

Pharma Panel

Presenters | Nicholas Kadysh (CEO, PharmAla), Dan Grossman (Head of Field Building, PSFC), Dr. Dan Karlin (CMO, MindMed)

Moderator | Daniel Goldberg (Palo Santo Fund)

Coffee Break 3:50 PM – 4:05 PM

4:05 PM – 4:25 PM

Hear My Story

Presenter | Keyaira Adewunmi (Founder, Spice & Sage)

4:30 PM – 5:10 PM

Investor's Perspectives

Presenters | Daniel Goldberg (Partner, Palo Santo Fund), Lisa Evia (Managing Partner, SeedFund Capital), Brendan Hussey (Investment Banker, Stifel)

Moderator | Professor David Schonthal

5:15 PM – 5:30 PM

Closing Remarks

Closing reflections and call to action

Networking Reception 5:35 PM – 6:30 PM
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